“One asana per day”

Each pose requires from you to be purposeful and mindful. Try to draw your attention inward and be present as you perform your asana. Setting up an intention helps you stay focused. While you breath throughout the pose remember to exhale at exertion and intentionally draw your belly button tightly towards spine. We often forget about engaging our core muscles while being active. Stay connected to your inner purpose. Try to cut from the outside world and dedicate this time just to yourself.

Warrior I / Virabhadrasana I

“I am building my strength and confidence”

This asana refers to the “spiritual warrior,” who bravely does battle with the universal enemy, self-ignorance (avidya), the ultimate source of all our suffering.

This is an active posture, where you should feel traction of your body in opposite directions. First, find your foundation (Steps 1 – 11), then rise (Steps 12-15) and shine your inner-spiritual warrior.

First Breathe

Breath into your strength and power.

Start in easy pose or heroes pose and take 2 minutes to calm your mind, breathe deeply while holding Prithivi Mudra for physical strength.

“Fully embodied, my physical strength grounds me.”

Prithivi means Earth in Sanskrit and this mudra helps you to feel fully present in your body. Feeling the sense of support of the Earth and your body, allows you to feel the strength that is already here inside you.

Lightly join the tips of the thumb and ring finger. The other fingers remain extended and relaxed.

  • Good for supporting optimal posture, creates a sense of centeredness and grounding.
  • Spiritually it establishes a sense of effortless joy. 
  • Invites a sense of safety and security.


  • 1. From Downward Facing Dog, inhale – lift your right leg up, exhale – (belly button tight to the spine) step your right foot forward between your hands.

  • 2. Spin your back foot flat into mat at 45-degree angle, two heels in one line (or slightly wider if needed).
  • 3. Inhale torso and arms up perpendicular to mat. Press through outer edge of your heel of back foot.
  • 4. Back leg straight, squeeze quads, internally rotate left tight, back heal reaching into the floor.
  • 5. If possible, draw your left hip forward, work to square your hips and shoulders to front wall. Draw the pubic bone toward the navel for support. Allow yourself wider stance if needed.
  • 6. Bend your front knee deeply, attempting to get the right thigh parallel to the floor.
  • 7. Stack right knee directly over right ankle. Do not allow your knee to move ahead of the ankle.
  • 8. Draw your right knee out toward pinky toe.
  • 9. Maximum weight in front heel, light on toes.
  • 10. Squeeze heels toward each other; engage thighs.
  • 11. Lift ribcage up away from hips, lengthen spine, pelvis neutral, core engaged.
  • 12. Relax shoulders away from ears.
  • 13. Biceps by ears, rotate pinky fingers inward, spread shoulder blades wide.
  • 14. Reach through fingertips.
  • 15. REPEAT on left side.


Modification for comfort

  • Shorten step between heels, keep from knee stacked directly over ankle therefore do not sink fully into front lunge.
  • Widen step to hip width distance (so heels are not in one line) to help square hips.

Modifications for pregnancy

  1. Start in tabletop position. Take a deep inhale – and as you exhale, slowly move to hands and knees.
  2. Bring your hands together, thumbs touching, with fingers wide and facing forward. This creates space so that, as your baby grows, you do not hit your belly with your knees.
  3. Step the right foot forward, press into left toes, drop the left heel down at 45-degree angle and, if needed, use the right thigh to come on up. Left toes, knee and center of left hip facing the same direction. Soften the right knee.
  4. Gently square the rib cage and shoulders forward and reach up to the sky.
  5. Gently “hug” baby to spine to avoid over-arching.
  6. Shoulders melt down and away from your ears, biceps and fingers are strong.
  7. Soften the jaw and come into the breath completely.

Mommy & Me


  1. Steps 1 to 12, but the most important is stability while you are holding your baby. Think about beautiful connection rather than perfect alignment. Be present and grounded.
  2. Widen across your chest and keep your heart high.


Your baby can sit on your front thigh, facing out. She can practice head control and sitting up as you spiral your torso toward her. Try to lift her overhead and bend your elbows (Chaturanga way) as you bring her for kisses.

Contraindications & Cautions

  1. Shoulder injury;
  2. Neck injuries;
  3. High blood pressure;
  4. Front knee overstepping front ankle can result in injury
  5. Compressing low back by not engaging core and keeping pelvis neutral


  1. Stretches hips, abdomen, chest, lungs, shoulders, and neck.
  2. Strengthens shoulders, arms and back.
  3. Stretches and strengthens thighs, calves, and ankles.